Saturday, February 2, 2008

Blogging at School

Well, I'm trying to get more students blogging so the grade 2 teacher and I set up a site for her class at At first it seemed to be going fine but then all of her students disappeared so I re-entered them. The students started to set up their pages and then I had extra students, as orphans, so I added them to the class. Then I had student's names come up twice. I also lost most of the student's info that they had inputted. So I then re-entered some info and deleted one of the two names. Now I have some students listed with everything working and I have some students who are just dots on the class list and your can't access anything. The "dot students" do come up on the class roster in the edit section. So I'm thinking of deleting the whole thing and starting from scratch but who maybe I'll have an inspiration on how to fix the whole thing. On the other hand my own class blog works fine, although I haven't touched it since before Christmas. I'm sort of worried to try now because they've added a new approval tool which I think may be part of the problem. Ah the learning curve of technology!

1 comment:

pcone said...

I tried using Blogmeister, but didn't really like it. I either found the instructions to be less than helpful OR I am getting early stages of technology dementia. I did get the students inputted (eventually), but when they went to write in their blogs, their posts went nowhere. As well, I couldn't figure out how to post any pictures (although I've seen others who have successfully done so).