Monday, March 9, 2009

What Makes a Good Blog Entry?

Today I found a post on Remote Access that addressed what the author, Clarence Fisher, thought a good blog entry should contain. He included the following four points, which he had shared with his students to improve their blog entries:
"1.) A post needs all of the standard elements of writing.
2.) A quality blog post includes several good links to further sources of information that people can travel to.
3.) A quality post includes multimedia elements such as pictures, video or audio.
4.) Finally, a blog post needs to have an interesting title that will bring in readers."
I found this very interesting as I had never thought in these terms before. I've been working on the fact that a blog post simply shares an idea. I really like these four points. Will I include them in every blog post, probably not, but it is certainly something for which to strive. Has anyone else found a different criteria for what makes a good blog entry?

Picture from Flickr