Sunday, April 27, 2008

Donna's CD Meme

The instructions are taken from Donna's blog.
You follow three simple rules and using your favourite image editing program create a CD cover.

The rules are:

The first article title on the page is the name of your band.

The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.

The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

Below is my cover. For the sake of information Durmanec is a county in Croatia and the quote is from Martin Luther King Jr.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

I used this with my grade three's today and they loved it. To read some of their thoughts on our Earth go to our blog. At the moment Riley's is the only post that appeared. We were having technical difficulties today. :)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Making Connections

I've been reading all of Paul Parks's posts, in his blog The Sandbox, with great interest. His descriptions of life at the Kandahar Air Field are very compelling. I decided to share one with my Reading Comprehension group, which is made up of a dozen grade 3 and 4 students. I chose the post School Burning that describes the attack on the education system in Afghanistan and asks the reader to question how they would feel if someone burnt their school down or tried to prevent them from getting an education. It was a pretty serious topic for my students but we spent two lessons working through the article and discussing it.

We are currently reading to make connections to our world and so as a continuation I decided to tie in a real world site. On April 10th we went on a field trip to our local Memorial Park, which contains a monument to those soldiers who fell in the First and Second World Wars. It was a beautiful sunny day and the students enjoyed the walk over. Once at the park they listened as I read aloud the picture book The Wall by Eve Bunting. This book describes a father and son's trip to the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C. to find the grandfather's name on the Wall. When they find the name the grandson leaves a picture of himself, weighted down with stones, below the name. After we read the book the students and I made connections between our monument and the one in Washington. We also discussed the soldiers serving in Afghanistan who have died. Before we left the students all placed a picture of one of the Canadian soldiers who was killed recently and weighted them down with stones. I think it was a good lesson and hopefully the students made some important connections in both reading and life.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I've made my first VoiceThread.

I plan to have my grade 2 class finish their farm unit using this same idea.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Internet Safety/Common Sense?

I recently listened to CBC radio report about a 16 year old tape which had surfaced as political parties switched offices. This tape was a video tape of several key people, including our now Premier, talking in front of a video camera. The remarks recorded included anti-gay, anti-labour, and rude comments about other politicians. Currently we are trying to explain to our students that when they put up pictures or video or a blog on the Internet that their views are there for all to see. We warn them about posting things which may reflect badly on them in the future and on those things which are simply inappropriate. In light of the comments recorded on this tape which is now posted on You Tube and CBC are we actually having any success? Does anyone use common sense anymore or did they ever?